Friday, January 11, 2008

Superhero Celebration Email Invite

The email reminder for the second annual Superhero Celebration at the AFI Theatre went out to everyone the other day, and RSVP's are pouring in. It is truly exciting to have so many more people planning to come this year.

Like last year, we'll have costumes, parades, real-live Superheroes, cartoons and a photo booth. But this year we're adding caricaturists and Wii competitions.

The entertainment is getting finalized and it looks like we'll have a great band coming to play, and it may be possible that we'll also have a very special guest - a super sports hero - make an appearance and sign autographs.

The capes arrived yesterday. Batman, Superman and making their first appearance at a Hope for Henry event - pink Supergirl capes with great frill and bows.

It is all very exciting and everyone is going to have a wonderful time.

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